With the Paris Agreement and through the Green Deal, the European nations have ratified an agreement based on important commitments to fight climate change and contribute to the planet decarbonisation.
The SyngasCube CHP cogenerator plant represents a new and innovative tool for both companies and communities oriented to increase energy efficiency by producing electricity and heat simultaneously, significantly cutting the energy costs incurred.
Fuel infeed: wood chips, biomass in general
Specs: no limits on fines fractions and impurities (stones, soil)
Production: thermal energy and electricity
Fuel infeed: refuse-derived fuel (RDF), municipal solid waste (MSW)
Specs: no limits on fines fractions and impurities (stones, soil)
Production: thermal energy and electricity
Fuel infeed: organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW)
Specs: no limits on fines fractions and impurities (stones, soil)
Production: thermal energy and electricity
Fuel infeed: mixed of heterogeneous plastics, PE, PP, PET, PS, PVC
Specs: no limits on fines fractions and impurities (stones, soil)
Production: thermal energy and electricity
Fuel infeed: sewage sludges
Specs: no limits on fines fractions and impurities (stones, soil)
Production: thermal energy and electricity